Nov 22, 2023

Mama Shelter Reinvents the Definition of ‘Hotel’ in Prague

At the corner of Dukelských Hrdinů and Veletržní, there lies a hotel filled with history, ambiance, and style accompanied by an enjoyable bar and delicious food, which allows it to stand alone from all other accommodations in Prague.

Mama Shelter has been operating in Prague for five years now, giving visitors and locals alike a different way to experience the city.

Ten floors, 238 rooms, ateliers, DJs, foosball tables, and a sensational terrace. These are a few of the amenities that Mama Shelter has to offer, not to mention the one-of-a-kind atmosphere when guests walk in for the first time.

Considered as an ‘urban refuge’ with a vibrant hospitality that takes on a playful character, Mama Shelter is found in Prague and also across three continents, not only for a place where tourists can stay but where locals can come in for a bite or a drink.

“There’s loud music playing, The bar is always lively, and it’s open late. So it’s not just a typical hotel bar where you or your parents have a glass of wine before they go to bed. We actually host parties, we have DJs on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, consistently throughout the year, and we’ll have them more often during Christmas time. So there’s definitely a different vibe than other Prague hotels,” said Luke Bodenschatz, who works as the Director of Sales at Prague’s Mama Shelter.

The renowned hotel chain is an international brand, considering that since its inception in 2008 at the first Mama Shelter in Paris, its footprint can be found in places such as Los Angeles, Belgrade, Rome, and London. This isn’t your typical Hilton or Ibis, it’s way, way more than that.

Mama Shelter Prague’s brutalist, dominating architecture that towers over the city’s Holešovice district makes it stand out on its own, as the building itself is no stranger to Prague’s intriguing past. Formerly known as the Park Hotel (given its distance to Stromovka), it was built in 1966 right before the Prague Spring, where a number of films and series can be found shot here in the building. Outlasting the communist era, the building underwent a refurbishment in 2018, and today it is the one and only Mama Shelter.

While the building can be intimidating from the outside, it is nothing compared to what’s on the inside! The complete opposite, in fact, comprising of colorful scenery, trendy designs, and chic furniture that makes you want to stay and grab a drink, or enjoy one of the many dishes offered by the restaurant, including appetizing burgers and enjoyable pizzas.

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“I would say the burger here is very comparable to other very good burgers in Prague. I also like the crispy chicken salad. That’s also very good, it’s one of my favorites. We also get a lot of praise for our pizzas, since we have a wood-fired oven that really improves the quality,” said Bodenschatz.

The cuisine, along with many other aspects of Mama Shelter, is what makes it an attractive place for many companies across Prague that use the place for events, retreats, and parties. Both Czech and international businesses alike have found the hotel an ideal place to foster an exemplary environment to enjoy. Bodenschatz points out that not only is a place that foreigners enjoy but also Czechs themselves who come to stay or even just pass by for dinner and drinks.

If you’re staying in Prague for the holidays, Mama Shelter is the perfect place to be, as they’ll be offering a curated holiday menu and experience for those looking for a place to enjoy Christmas and New Year’s. The hotel also offers the chance for companies to host their own holiday parties as well.

“A lot of people that live or work in the center prefer to come here at Mama Shelter for a night out because they know we have a welcoming atmosphere, and we have quite a few clients that consider us for their events,” said Bodenschatz. “We want people to know that you don’t have to be a guest to stay and enjoy our restaurant or bar, it’s a place for everyone in Prague.”

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