May 16, 2024

May 25: Bubble Wine Festival at the St. Wenceslas Vineyard!

Wine enthusiasts won’t want to miss a selection of sparkling wines from around the world on the last Saturday of May at the St. Wenceslas Vineyard at Villa Richter in Prague.

There will also be gastronomy, accompanied by music and a panoramic view of the heart of Prague. Participants can compare the best sparkling wines from many countries around the world and in various styles of production technology.

Bubble Wine Fest will feature Champagne, Cava, Prosecco, Crémant, Franciacorta, and Sekt, and more.

Following a comprehensive several-year restoration, the Saint Wenceslas Vineyard and the classicist summer house Villa Richter (A.D. 1836) at Prague Castle were ceremonially opened to the public in September 2008.

Legend has it that it is the oldest vineyard in Bohemia. Originally, the “divine vineyard” was reputedly cultivated by the patron saint of the Czech nation, Prince Wenceslas.

Its landmark is a classicist summerhouse – Villa Richter – with its northern and southern terrace, as well as the adjacent pergola, dividing the Saint Wenceslas Vineyard lengthwise into northern and southern parts. After the Kinsky Summerhouse, Villa Richter is the second-most famous classicist building in Prague.

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When and Where

Date: Saturday, May 25, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: St. Wenceslas Vineyard, Staré zámecké schody 6, Prague 1

Admission and Payment

Basic entrance fee: 250 CZK (includes entrance and a drink)
Tickets: purchase online at GoOut or at the venue
Payment: cash or credit card

Tasting and Food

Purchase tokens for 40 CZK each
Tokens sold in sets of 10 for 400 CZK

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