Jul 22, 2024

2024’s Best and Worst Regions to Live in Czechia Announced

Prague has been named the best region to live in the Czech Republic for 2024, while the Karlovy Vary Region is the worst.

This conclusion comes from the Místo pro život study, conducted annually by the Datank analytical agency.

The ranking was compiled using statistics from official agencies and ministries, and the results of a survey of 1,600 residents in each region.

Indicators such as unemployment, salary levels, purchasing power, security, environment, access to medical and social assistance, educational opportunities, infrastructure, and tourism were considered.

A total of 75 criteria were evaluated, divided into 8 key areas of life.

Prague emerged as the winner for the third consecutive year, boasting the highest average salary, the highest concentration of doctors and dentists, and the highest life expectancy for both men and women.

The capital also excels in infrastructure, with the highest per capita capacity of sewage treatment plants, the largest proportion of households with Internet access, and the most public electric vehicle charging stations per 1,000 kilometers of road.

Prague has the highest proportion of foreigners and a very high voter turnout. However, the study notes a need for improvement in environmental areas, specifically the low amount of recycled waste per capita.

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The South Moravian Region secured second place, thanks to high attendance at cultural events, low air pollution, a low share of cars per inhabitant, a high percentage of households connected to sewerage, and low unemployment among women.

The Hradec Kralove Region took third place, with a high rate of solving criminal offenses, many vacant places in primary schools and kindergartens, the highest percentage of cultural events per 100,000 inhabitants in the Czech Republic, and the lowest youth unemployment rate.

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