Sep 16, 2024

Czech Cities Rank High in New Global Quality of Life Study

A new global quality of life ranking by the British Institute for Quality of Life has placed several Czech cities among the world’s top locations to live.

The ranking evaluates cities based on key factors like education, inclusive policies, economy, mobility, environmental protection, and access to green spaces.

The top 37 cities, forming the so-called “gold category,” excel in these areas through real, tangible solutions that positively impact their residents’ daily lives.

Topping the list is Aarhus, Denmark, followed by Zurich, Switzerland, Berlin, Germany, Gothenburg, Sweden, and Amsterdam, Netherlands.

These cities are praised for their commitment to enhancing the quality of life, prioritizing green infrastructure, innovation, and sustainable urban development.

Prague and Brno Among Global Leaders

Among Czech cities, Prague ranks highest at 67th place, surpassing well-known global cities like Lucerne (Switzerland), Tel Aviv (Israel), and Washington D.C. (USA). The Czech capital’s strong performance highlights its emphasis on urban mobility, green spaces, and a growing innovation sector.

Another Czech city, Brno, also made the top 100, coming in at 83rd. Brno’s focus on education, technological advancement, and sustainability earned it a respectable spot on the global scale.

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Kladno Surprises, Beating Sydney and San Francisco

One of the more surprising entries is Kladno, a city in Central Bohemia, which ranked 112th, outperforming major cities such as Sydney, Abu Dhabi, San Francisco, and Budapest.

Kladno’s high ranking demonstrates that smaller cities, with the right focus, can outperform global metropolises in quality of life indicators.

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