Across Europe, the feast of St. Martin, brings a hearty winter pairing of roasted goose and, in the Czech Republic, St. Martin’s wine (Svatomartinské víno).

The medieval custom falls in November because that’s when geese were fattened across the continent and coincides with the last grape harvest of the year, meaning St. Martin is also the patron saint of vintners.

Restaurants around the country will be serving goose specials on or leading up to November 11.

Also at Karlínské náměstí, goose specialties will be available for purchase and of course, there will be young and St. Martin’s Day wines from the best wineries.

The Lovesong Orchestra will get you in the dancing mood, performing for you from 1 p.m. Find more info here

The traditional St. Martin’s meal is roast goose served up with stewed cabbage and traditional Czech dumplings, knedlíky. This is, of course, accompanied by a glass of young wine.

St. Martin’s Wine

St. Martin’s wine is taken from the first wine produced in the current growing year. It should be refreshing, a bit dry, fruity in nature and of a relatively low alcohol content.

Traditionally, the new wine is seen as an indicator of the quality of the rest of the year’s wine production. It is intended for immediate consumption and not to be aged.

In a purely Czech context, officially trademarked St. Martin’s wine (Svatomartinské víno) is strictly regulated by the Wine Fund of the Czech Republic.

The Coca-Cola truck is making its way to the Czech Republic and Slovakia this Christmas!

​Coca-Cola’s ‘The Real Magic Christmas Experience’ is coming to over 30 cities in the Czech Republic and 20 in Slovakia.

The theme of the Christmas campaign, “Christmas Always Finds a Way”, is based on the idea that “Christmas is an unstoppable force that will find a way through anything to bring back the joy, togetherness, generosity and true magic around the festive season and holiday food”.

The trucks, which were first introduced in 1995, will also support the campaign after a hiatus caused by the pandemic. It will also include collaborations with influencers, such as Czech group Mirai, and a competition on the Coca-Cola app to win a trip to the North Pole.

“Coca-Cola trucks have become a popular tradition that brings Christmas magic to Czech and Slovak cities. Christmas always finds a way to bring families, friends and often complete strangers together through magical moments spent together,” says Mária Drotárová, Coca-Cola brand manager for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The roadshow in the Czech Republic will start on 24 November in Čáslav and end on 22 December in Stupava. At each stop, there will be an accompanying program with Santa and elves, a Coca-Cola Food Truck with hot Christmas soft punch from FuzeTea and a Coca-Cola Christmas drink with cinnamon and savoury snacks.

The program will always start at 4 p.m., with Santa arriving a half hour later and staying until 6:30 p.m.

As part of the roadshow, Coca-Cola has teamed up with the Czech and Slovak Red Cross.

Proceeds from the sale of food, drink and merchandising at each stop will go to support the non-profit organization Help Trans project, which helps with the mobility of seniors, the disabled or children.

Charles Bridge Museum together with the City of Prague is holding St. Martin’s celebrations on Saturday 11th November.

The celebration will start at 11.11 am. On this day, Czechs traditionally roast a goose and at exactly 11:11 they open the first bottles of young wine, which are called St. Martin’s (Svatomartinské víno).

St. Martin was a Roman Catholic saint, the bishop of Tours, who lived in the years 316 – 397.  The most-repeated story about his life says that while he was a soldier, he encountered a scantily dressed beggar at the gate of the city of Amiens.

He cut his military woolen cloak in half and shared it with the freezing man. The following night he had a vision of Jesus Christ, surrounded by Angels, and arrayed in the half of the cloak. As a consequence of the experience, he received baptism, left the army and became a monk.

People in the Czech republic associate the feast with the onset of winter and snow. There are a lot of proverbs in Czech, which feature predictions for the winter weather. According to the most popular saying, the first snowfall of the season can be expected on this day since Martin may arrive on his white horse.

St. Martin´s celebrations are particularly popular with children, who create colourful handmade lanterns. After darkness falls, kids participate in lantern processions and sing songs. The candles in the lanterns flicker and the kid´s eyes are brimming with excitement.

It is a tradition to eat roast goose because a flock of geese betrayed St. Martin’s hiding place as he was trying to hide from the people, who wanted to make him a bishop.

In Prague, it is customary to drink young wine called St. Martin’s wine (Svatomartinské). The Prague Botanic garden annually offers the tasting of young wine from St. Claire’s vineyard.

Lively celebrations take place on the Vltava river bank, in Náplavka, and include music, traditional culinary delights, fantastic wine and breathtaking views of the city.

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If you are planning to visit a different country, learning a few words and phrases can make things a lot easier.

Knowing the language and even different dialects could also help you integrate better if you choose to move.

But where in Europe is it easiest to learn the local language?

Learning platform Preply looked at 29 European countries to discover which were the easiest to visit and live in when it comes to languages.

They ranked the nations from most challenging to least based on criteria including their English proficiency scores, native languages, accents, dialects and the average cost of a language lesson.

What are the least challenging countries for languages?

Serbia comes in third place thanks to its cheap language lessons. These cost on average €19 per session. It has just two official languages, Serbian and Albanian. When it comes to dialects and accents, eight in total are recognized including Shtokavian, Eastern Herzegovina and Šumadija–Vojvodina.

Its lowest score came in English proficiency where it came 13th out of the 29 countries analysed.

In joint third place is Portugal, mostly due to its only spoken language being Portuguese. But, if you are thinking of visiting or moving there, there are ten different regional dialects to learn. Many people in the country, however, do speak English. It came in 7th position in the rankings for English proficiency. It also places in the top ten for cheapest language lessons at €21 a session.

Second place for the least challenging countries for linguistics is Ireland. Gaelic is Ireland’s only other spoken language aside from English and it has just four recognised regional dialects. It also claims the highest spot for English proficiency (joint with the UK). But, if you want to learn Gaelic then lessons work out at an average of €23 per session.

The easiest country in Europe to navigate linguistically according to Preply is Romania. It has three official spoken languages: Romanian, Hungarian and German. The country also has the least number of registered accents and dialects – Wallachia, Moldavia and Banat.

Though it came in the middle of the list for English proficiency, private lessons in Romania cost an average of €15 – the third cheapest overall.

What are the most challenging countries for languages?

In terms of regional variations, the country with the most accents and dialects was the Netherlands. This one country alone has 70 variations. Norway, the UK and Turkey follow close behind with 60 and 52 respectively.

Near the top of the most challenging countries table were France and Switzerland. France had the lowest English proficiency score and language lessons will cost you an average of €26. There are a total of 40 unique regional dialects and accents in France.

There are four different official languages in Switzerland: German, French, Italian and Romansch. The country also comes out near the bottom for its English proficiency score.

But the country with the most linguistic hurdles for visitors and expats was the Czech Republic. Private language lessons cost an average of €72 and, though it only has one official language (Czech), there are 26 different spoken dialects and accents.

xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển nhượngcâu lạc bộ bóng đá arsenalbóng đá atalantabundesligacầu thủ haalandUEFAevertonfutebol ao vivofutemaxmulticanaisonbetbóng đá world cupbóng đá inter milantin juventusbenzemala ligaclb leicester cityMUman citymessi lionelsalahnapolineymarpsgronaldoserie atottenhamvalenciaAS ROMALeverkusenac milanmbappenapolinewcastleaston villaliverpoolfa cupreal madridpremier leagueAjaxbao bong da247EPLbarcelonabournemouthaff cupasean footballbên lề sân cỏbáo bóng đá mớibóng đá cúp thế giớitin bóng đá ViệtUEFAbáo bóng đá việt namHuyền thoại bóng đágiải ngoại hạng anhSeagametap chi bong da the gioitin bong da lutrận đấu hôm nayviệt nam bóng đátin nong bong daBóng đá nữthể thao 7m24h bóng đábóng đá hôm naythe thao ngoai hang anhtin nhanh bóng đáphòng thay đồ bóng đábóng đá phủikèo nhà cái onbetbóng đá lu 2thông tin phòng thay đồthe thao vuaapp đánh lô đềdudoanxosoxổ số giải đặc biệthôm nay xổ sốkèo đẹp hôm nayketquaxosokq xskqxsmnsoi cầu ba miềnsoi cau thong kesxkt hôm naythế giới xổ sốxổ số 24hxo.soxoso3mienxo so ba mienxoso dac bietxosodientoanxổ số dự đoánvé số chiều xổxoso ket quaxosokienthietxoso kq hôm nayxoso ktxổ số megaxổ số mới nhất hôm nayxoso truc tiepxoso ViệtSX3MIENxs dự đoánxs mien bac hom nayxs miên namxsmientrungxsmn thu 7con số may mắn hôm nayKQXS 3 miền Bắc Trung Nam Nhanhdự đoán xổ số 3 miềndò vé sốdu doan xo so hom nayket qua xo xoket qua xo so.vntrúng thưởng xo sokq xoso trực tiếpket qua xskqxs 247số miền nams0x0 mienbacxosobamien hôm naysố đẹp hôm naysố đẹp trực tuyếnnuôi số đẹpxo so hom quaxoso ketquaxstruc tiep hom nayxổ số kiến thiết trực tiếpxổ số kq hôm nayso xo kq trực tuyenkết quả xổ số miền bắc trực tiếpxo so miền namxổ số miền nam trực tiếptrực tiếp xổ số hôm nayket wa xsKQ XOSOxoso onlinexo so truc tiep hom nayxsttso mien bac trong ngàyKQXS3Msố so mien bacdu doan xo so onlinedu doan cau loxổ số kenokqxs vnKQXOSOKQXS hôm naytrực tiếp kết quả xổ số ba miềncap lo dep nhat hom naysoi cầu chuẩn hôm nayso ket qua xo soXem kết quả xổ số nhanh nhấtSX3MIENXSMB chủ nhậtKQXSMNkết quả mở giải trực tuyếnGiờ vàng chốt số OnlineĐánh Đề Con Gìdò số miền namdò vé số hôm nayso mo so debach thủ lô đẹp nhất hôm naycầu đề hôm naykết quả xổ số kiến thiết toàn quốccau dep 88xsmb rong bach kimket qua xs 2023dự đoán xổ số hàng ngàyBạch thủ đề miền BắcSoi Cầu MB thần tàisoi cau vip 247soi cầu tốtsoi cầu miễn phísoi cau mb vipxsmb hom nayxs vietlottxsmn hôm naycầu lô đẹpthống kê lô kép xổ số miền Bắcquay thử xsmnxổ số thần tàiQuay thử XSMTxổ số chiều nayxo so mien nam hom nayweb đánh lô đề trực tuyến uy tínKQXS hôm nayxsmb ngày hôm nayXSMT chủ nhậtxổ số Power 6/55KQXS A trúng roycao thủ chốt sốbảng xổ số đặc biệtsoi cầu 247 vipsoi cầu wap 666Soi cầu miễn phí 888 VIPSoi Cau Chuan MBđộc thủ desố miền bắcthần tài cho sốKết quả xổ số thần tàiXem trực tiếp xổ sốXIN SỐ THẦN TÀI THỔ ĐỊACầu lô số đẹplô đẹp vip 24hsoi cầu miễn phí 888xổ số kiến thiết chiều nayXSMN thứ 7 hàng tuầnKết quả Xổ số Hồ Chí Minhnhà cái xổ số Việt NamXổ Số Đại PhátXổ số mới nhất Hôm Nayso xo mb hom nayxxmb88quay thu mbXo so Minh ChinhXS Minh Ngọc trực tiếp hôm nayXSMN 88XSTDxs than taixổ số UY TIN NHẤTxs vietlott 88SOI CẦU SIÊU CHUẨNSoiCauVietlô đẹp hôm nay vipket qua so xo hom naykqxsmb 30 ngàydự đoán xổ số 3 miềnSoi cầu 3 càng chuẩn xácbạch thủ lônuoi lo chuanbắt lô chuẩn theo ngàykq xo-solô 3 càngnuôi lô đề siêu vipcầu Lô Xiên XSMBđề về bao nhiêuSoi cầu x3xổ số kiến thiết ngày hôm nayquay thử xsmttruc tiep kết quả sxmntrực tiếp miền bắckết quả xổ số chấm vnbảng xs đặc biệt năm 2023soi cau xsmbxổ số hà nội hôm naysxmtxsmt hôm nayxs truc tiep mbketqua xo so onlinekqxs onlinexo số hôm nayXS3MTin xs hôm nayxsmn thu2XSMN hom nayxổ số miền bắc trực tiếp hôm naySO XOxsmbsxmn hôm nay188betlink188 xo sosoi cầu vip 88lô tô việtsoi lô việtXS247xs ba miềnchốt lô đẹp nhất hôm naychốt số xsmbCHƠI LÔ TÔsoi cau mn hom naychốt lô chuẩndu doan sxmtdự đoán xổ số onlinerồng bạch kim chốt 3 càng miễn phí hôm naythống kê lô gan miền bắcdàn đề lôCầu Kèo Đặc 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The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed its largest-ever loan agreement in the Czech Republic, with a CZK 24 billion contract with the Ministry of Finance to support the upgrade of the country’s rail network.

The loan will finance the modernisation and retrofit of trans-European networks (TEN-T) railway lines in the country, enabling the deployment of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS).

EIB Vice-President Kris Peeters: “This is the largest EIB loan ever signed in the Czech Republic and the funds will greatly benefit rail transport usage in the country.”

This investment is expected to improve rail connectivity, increase maximum speeds and capacity, and promote a modal shift from road to rail, reducing emissions and contributing to sustainable transport in line with EU objectives.

In addition, the loan will support improvements to level crossings, retrofit maintenance vehicles with ERTMS equipment, strengthen cyber-security, and enhance accessibility for people with reduced mobility and those traveling with children.

“The use of a loan from the European Investment Bank is the most economical and efficient solution to obtain funds for a strategic investment such as the digitalisation and automation of railway transportation.”, commented Czech minister of finance Zbyněk Stanjura.

This financing is the first concrete result of a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the EIB and the Czech Ministries of Finance and Transport in November 2022 to establish a partnership for the modernization of the Czech Republic’s railway network.

Czech Minister of transport, Martin Kupka: “The development of high-quality railways is key for the Czech Republic on a domestic and Central European scale. Multi-source financing of these projects that are necessary for the prosperity of the country is currently the right choice. Investments for the future must not stop. EIB loan funds are a key component of the financial portfolio of projects, thanks to which we are able to draw on other resources such as EU support.

“We will use them, for example, in the modernisation of Prague’s Masaryk railway station and the important Karlštejn – Beroun line near the capital.”

November 17th is not at all just an ordinary day in the Czech Republic. It is a very important day for Czechs not only for one but for two reasons.

The original event that 17 November commemorated was the resistance of student demonstrators in 1939 to the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia. Initially, a student named Jan Opletal was shot in a protest and died on 11 November.

His funeral, attended by thousands of students, turned into another anti-Nazi demonstration.

Jan Opletal Funeral

Students tore down the German street signs, which symbolized the humiliation of the Nazi occupation. This provoked the Nazis so much that on November 17 they ordered to close all Czech universities and colleges.

One witness to those events said that the Gestapo and German soldiers had swept into student dorms in Prague, Brno, and Příbram, and dragged students off to Ruzyně prison. Nine student leaders were murdered by the Nazis and more than 1,000 sent to concentration camps.

As a result of these tragedies, in 1941, the 17th of November was marked as International Students’ Day. Fifty years later, on November 17, 1989, history would repeat itself.

Fifty years after such oppression, in 1989, Czech students organized a demonstration to commemorate the student martyr Jan Opletal and the International Students Day. It started off as an officially-sanctioned march but turned quickly into a demonstration demanding the resignation of the country’s communist government. Students were brutally beaten by riot police.

At least 167 people were injured. One student was reportedly beaten to death, and – although this was later proved false – this rumor served to crystalize support for the students and their demands among the general public. A number of workers’ unions immediately joined the students’ cause.

This demonstration, which took place on November 17, 1989, is believed to have sparked the Velvet Revolution which eventually led to the freedom of the Czech people.

During the Velvet Revolution from Saturday, November 18th, until the general strike of November 27th, mass demonstrations took place in the main cities.

Massive demonstrations of almost 750,000 people at Letna Park in Prague on November 25 and 26 and the general strike on the 27th were devastating for the communist regime.

With the growing street protests and with other communist regimes falling around, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia finally announced on November 28 they would step out.

A memorial was built on Národní třída (Avenue of the Nation) in Prague to remember the Velvet Revolution and the students who started it.


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The northern lights (or aurora borealis) visual phenomenon was partially visible in the Czech Republic after dark this afternoon and will be in the early evening, according to the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ).

A solar eruption earlier in the day disrupted Earth’s geomagnetic field, raising hopes for aurora sightings.

Several users have already shared their catches on social network X. People have taken photos of the clearly visible aurora near Říčany, in Ostrava or in Vysočina.



Experts say it’s best to view the aurora from an open horizon to the north, preferably in the mountains or other places where the sky is dark.

Residents of areas with clear, cloudless skies will have the best chance of observing. “You will have a better chance if you live in the southern regions of the Czech Republic – southern Bohemia, Vysočina and southern Moravia,” they added.

In northern countries, auroras are visible across the sky, but in the Czech Republic, they appear low on the northern horizon, so an inexperienced observer may mistake them for the glow of a distant city.

Dolní Domaslavice



The light spectacle is usually most visible near Earth’s magnetic north and south poles, where the lights are called the aurora australis.

They are caused by the interaction of particles coming from the sun, known as the solar wind. The particles can travel millions of miles, and some eventually reach the Earth. They are then channelled to the polar regions by Earth’s magnetic field.

Depending on which gas molecules are hit and where they are in the atmosphere, different amounts of energy are released as different wavelengths of light; oxygen produces green light, while nitrogen causes the sky to glow red.

It was the Italian astronomer Galielo Galiliei who coined the name aurora borealis in 1619, after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek god of the north wind, Boreas.

But the earliest record of the northern lights is believed to be a 30,000-year-old cave painting in France.

In the heart of Blovice, Czech Republic, stands an entity that has become the nerve center of a vast and varied international business. 

Ferber Enterprises Czechia, an offshoot of the UK-based Ferber Enterprises, plays a vital role in ensuring products from multiple sectors reach the hands of customers worldwide.

The Genesis of Ferber Enterprises

Founded in 2018, Ferber Enterprises began as a visionary venture that sought to break the mold of traditional commerce. Rapidly extending its roots into various sectors, the company has particularly made a significant mark in e-commerce.

From construction products to paints, varnishes, mechanical supplies, insecticides, and gardening products, Ferber Enterprises has a vast array of offerings that cater to a broad spectrum of customer needs.

Czechia: The Heart of Operations

The selection of Blovice as the operational base for Ferber Enterprises Czechia was no mere coincidence. This location has allowed the subsidiary to evolve into the logistical hub of the entire enterprise, overseeing the meticulous process of shipping packages to over 100 different countries.

Working in tandem with renowned transport services such as Packeta (also known as Zásilkovna), DPD (part of the Geopost Group) for traditional shipping, and express couriers like FedEx and UPS, Ferber Enterprises Czechia has ensured that its global outreach is both efficient and reliable. The collaboration with Luxembourg Post for farther shipments, reaching locations like Australia, South America, and Japan, emphasizes the subsidiary’s commitment to leaving no stone unturned.

Leadership with Heart and Vision

At the helm of Ferber Enterprises Czechia is Zdeněk Štembera. His exemplary leadership, dedication, and fervent commitment to customer satisfaction have been the driving force behind the subsidiary’s success. Štembera is known for his impeccable knack for logistics and his undying commitment to time-bound deliveries. In his words, “To deliver a package is a promise kept; to deliver on time is an art mastered.” His ethos resonates through every shipment, every package, and every satisfied customer.

With the company operating around the clock, seven days a week, the start of each day is a testament to the synergy between the global offices of Ferber Enterprises. Every morning, the list of orders ready for dispatch is received from Ferber Enterprises Madagascar, which handles customer service, technical aspects, and stock management. This seamless collaboration ensures that the production and dispatch processes at Ferber Enterprises Czechia are not only streamlined but also remarkably efficient.

Growth and Prospects

Though the team at Ferber Enterprises Czechia is currently composed of three dedicated employees, the future holds a vision of growth and expansion. As part of the larger Ferber group that boasts 80 international employees, there is an unmistakable momentum behind the Czech subsidiary. With plans for recruitment in the pipeline, the subsidiary is gearing up to amplify its operations and further solidify its position as the logistical cornerstone of Ferber Enterprises.

The Blovice Advantage

Blovice, a picturesque town in the Czech Republic, might seem an unlikely epicenter for an e-commerce behemoth. Yet, its strategic location, combined with the infrastructural and technological advancements of the region, provides Ferber Enterprises Czechia with a unique edge. Blovice’s proximity to major transportation networks ensures swift connectivity to various European markets. Moreover, the town’s skilled workforce, known for its strong work ethic and adaptability, offers a blend of technical acumen and local knowledge.

This harmony of location and talent has been instrumental in establishing efficient supply chain mechanisms. Furthermore, the cultural heritage of Blovice, with its rich traditions and welcoming community, has fostered a positive working environment. Employees often cite the town’s ambient charm as a motivational factor, driving them to perform at their optimal best.

As businesses increasingly recognize the value of merging technology with tradition and logistics with local nuances, Blovice stands as a shining example of how to seamlessly integrate the two.

In Conclusion

Ferber Enterprises Czechia, under the aegis of Ferber Enterprises, stands as a testament to the power of vision, leadership, and relentless hard work. It’s not just about shipping products; it’s about delivering promises, trust, and a legacy of unparalleled service.

As the company looks ahead, the future seems as promising as its impressive past, with the roads of Blovice leading to every corner of the world.

The New Zealand comedy Red, White and Brass (directed by Damon Fepulea’i) will open the 10th annual film festival of movies from Australia and New Zealand to be held on Friday, 10th of November 2023, at Cinema Lucerna.

This year, the Aussie & Kiwi Film Fest will showcase six feature films complemented by six short films and for the first time, part of the festival will also be held at the Edison Filmhub.

The festival will also feature an accompanying program of events including Dreaming, an exhibition of modern Aboriginal art, school screenings of the Australian environmental movie Blueback, as well as a number of degustation events.

Red, White and Brass

Maka is a Tongan rugby superfan and he’ll do anything to get to the World Cup match between Tonga and France. But the game is sold out and there’s no way to get more tickets. Then he has an idea. Maka has just four weeks and a few friends to put his crazy scheme into action. This comedy inspired by a true story will launch the 10th year of the festival at Cinema Lucerna.

The New Boy

In a remote monastery in 1940s Australia, a mission for Aboriginal children is run by a renegade nun, Sister Eileen (Cate Blanchett). A new charge is brought in the dead of night – a boy who appears to have special powers. But the boy’s Indigenous spirituality does not gel with the mission’s Christian teachings and his mysterious powers become a threat.

Aussie & Kiwi Film Fest

Sweet As

Indigenous teenager Muura’s life with her alcoholic mother is lonely, boring and miserable. It all becomes too much one day and she goes to live with her uncle. He doesn’t want Muura to become another welfare case and signs her up for a photo trip to the Australian outback with other troubled teenagers.

An unusual road movie not only because of the breathtaking Australian outback but also because of its modern, fresh look at friendship, first love, courage and responsibility. It is also the feature film debut of Aboriginal director Jub Clerc, inspired by her own desire to become a filmmaker.

A collection of eight intertwined stories from the present, past and future that tell the story of the fact that despite (or in spite of) 250 years of colonialism, the indigenous people of Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific have survived.

This feature film was made in response to the 250th anniversary of James Cook’s landing in Australia in 1772. The genre-spanning short stories were made by ten Indigenous Australian, Maori and Pacific Islander artists and are united by a common theme exploring the impact of colonialism on Indigenous cultures.


The Aussie & Kiwi Film Fest is made possible thanks to grants and financial assistance from the City of Prague, the Australian Embassy in Warsaw and the New Zealand Embassy in Berlin. DermapenWorld, a company that has introduced the cutting-edge Australian technology of microneedling to the Czech market is the principal partner to this year’s 10th showcase of the festival.

The festival is organised by the AKFF, z. s., Association, a group of volunteers who devote their free time to producing and running the festival.

The main part of the festival takes place at the Lucerna and Edison cinemas in Prague but an important part of the festival is also the accompanying program of non-film events which include school screenings, talks, exhibitions, discussions, tastings and parties.

The District Court for Prague 3 today sentenced former MP Dominik Feri to three years in prison for two rapes and one attempted rape. He was found guilty on all counts.

The decision is not final, but Feri is expected to appeal it to the Prague City Court. The former politician has repeatedly denied his guilt.

“The court established that the defendant committed sexual violence against all three victims,” said Judge Lenka Hájková.

The prosecutor accused Feri of three acts, two of which she said occurred in March and November 2016 at his Prague 3 apartment.

One of the girls was 17 years old at the time, and the prosecutor alleges that Feri gave her a soft drink when she wanted to leave, after which she became “partially unconscious.”

Mr. Feri – then a high-profile member of the TOP 09 party – resigned in 2021 after media outlets carried a series of allegations of sexual impropriety against him.

The third incident happened in 2018, according to the prosecution, when Feri invited a woman to the Chamber of Deputies for a possible internship. Investigators stated that he attempted to kiss and grope the woman, but she managed to leave. The prosecution qualifies the case as attempted rape, proposing a three-year prison sentence for Feri.

“I might have, let us say, not met the expectations of some girls, I am saying that with all humility. But I have never committed any violence, any sexual violence,” Feri said.

Denik N and Alarm published the testimonies of several women, claiming Feri had behaved inappropriately from 2015-2020. Some said he had forced them to have sex with him even though they had clearly refused. Others said he had solicited explicit pictures from them and had publicly shamed them.

The district court commenced the case in February this year, with additional hearings held in April and at the end of October. Due to the sensitive nature of the girls’ data, the public was excluded from most of the hearings.

Japanese artists are set to bring their princess-themed creations to Prague as the Doll Prague exhibition opens its doors at Lucerna on November 3-5. 

The 8th edition of this international showcase of professional art dolls, puppets, and collectible Teddy bears will feature artists from more than twenty countries.

The exhibition’s theme, “The wisdom of myths and legends still speaks to us today,” adds a touch of mystique to the event.

Under the patronage of the successful Czech actress Bára Štěpánová, the exhibition will host 12 artists from Japan, along with a record-breaking 90 artists from the Czech Republic and other parts of the world.

This year’s event promises not only individual artist exhibitions but also four special art projects.

Anna Zueva, a prominent artist and member of the American NIADA Association, will showcase her exceptional project, “Mystical Garden,” featuring art dolls that promise to surprise and delight visitors.

Luda Bezusko from Poland will present a unique collection inspired by tarot cards, with 15 textile figures symbolizing the Major Arcana tarot cards, merging art and magical elements to create a world of wonder and wisdom.

From Japan, Professor Kyou Ohtake’s art school will bring an exhibit called “Princess Sakura,” immersing visitors in the enchanting world of Japanese traditions and fairy tales.

The exhibition will feature over 90 doll artists, “teddyists” (producers of collectible teddy bears), and puppeteers from around the world, including countries like the USA, Germany, Israel, France, and the Netherlands.

Attendees can also participate in art classes for amateurs, modeling presentations by representatives from the American Institute of Doll Art (NIADA), and an art competition, which includes a children’s category for the Doll Prague 2023 art competition.

Professional artists will lead classes suitable for both beginners and advanced artists.

For those interested in attending, tickets to the exhibition are available for 220 CZK at the Lucerna Palace, with free entry for children under 6 years old.

Modern markets with author’s fashion, jewelry, design, delicacies, organic cosmetics and other honestly processed products that provide space for smaller and beginning designers, creators and all enthusiasts – this is MINT Market.

This year, for the first and last time, it returns under the roof of Hall 13 in the Holešovice Market area (Holešovická tržnice), on Friday and Saturday, 24 and 25 November.

At the only Christmas event in Prague, more than 90 carefully selected creators will present themselves, and visitors will be able to buy locally made gifts that are guaranteed to bring joy under the tree.

And all of this in a relaxed atmosphere, without the stress of shopping centers and with good coffee. As always, entry is free and without barriers. In addition, you can take your four-legged pets with you.

MINT Markets support not only independent creators but also various non-profit organizations and sheltered workshops. At the stand of the Organization for Helping Refugees, the Refugee Journey workshop will take place within the framework of the Prague MINT, which is intended for older children and adults.

The listener becomes a member of a Syrian/Ukrainian family fleeing war and must make their own decisions to get to a safe place in Europe thanks to a set of envelopes and a map.

MINT markets are known for their friendly relaxed atmosphere and wide selection of fair-trade, eco, bio, zero-waste or upcycled products. Designers, on the other hand, are happy to use the opportunity to present their products to a wide audience without having to devote all their time or resources to it.

“Supporting small and local brands has been one of the basic ideas of our project from the very beginning,” adds principal Lenka Šašková. In 2022, a total of 57 sales days took place within 38 MINT Markets. In total, more than 300 events have taken place in the 13 years of existence, attended by over 1,200,000 visitors.

You can find a list of sellers, news and more information on the website, in the Facebook event or on Instagram

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