Sep 16, 2024

“Better City for Pets” Initiative Expands to Prague Cafes

The Better City for Pets (Lepší město pro zvířata) initiative has recently partnered with Costa Coffee and PAUL French Bakeries in Prague.

These establishments now offer a pet-friendly environment, providing not only free dog treats but also educational materials on responsible pet behavior at selected branches.

Following the success of the first pet-friendly concept at the Stromovka Shopping Center in Letná, the project is now focusing on expanding partnerships with other local businesses.

Pet-friendly locations can be identified by their bright yellow “Dogs Welcome” sticker. Customers can also treat their dogs to complimentary snacks from Pedigree. In addition to water bowls and high-quality food, the initiative emphasizes the importance of educating both customers and café staff on proper pet care and behavior.

“The primary goal is to educate pet owners on responsible behavior with their dogs to avoid any potential issues,” explains Roland Marton, Manager at Pedigree, who oversees the initiative. “That’s why we’ve collaborated with experts to create educational materials that benefit not only dog owners but also other customers who may not own pets.”

Barbora Pleyerová from Costa Coffee is equally enthusiastic about the project: “We are thrilled to participate in the Better City for Pets initiative and create a space where both dog owners and other visitors feel comfortable. We believe that education is key to fostering a positive and inclusive environment for everyone.”

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The pet-friendly concept will be tested at selected Costa Coffee and PAUL French Bakery branches in Prague. If successful, the initiative plans to expand further across the city.

About the Better City for Pets Initiative

The Better City for Pets initiative is designed to help cities develop safe and welcoming environments for animals. It aims to educate city residents on responsible pet care in public spaces and encourages businesses to adopt pet-friendly policies.

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