More Czechs attribute responsibility for the current escalation of the conflict in the Middle East to Palestine (22 percent) than to Israel (6 percent), according to a survey published by the Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM). However, the largest number (40 percent) place the blame equally on both sides, the poll found.
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Damage to fruit harvests due to the recent overnight frosts could exceed CZK 1 billion, fruit growers estimate. The cold temperatures destroyed almost 100 percent of the harvest in Bohemia and about 50 percent of the harvest in Moravia, although the situation may worsen there as ground frosts are expected to continue in the southwestern part of the country until Friday night.
Friday is expected to be mostly overcast but dry, with a chance of some sunshine in the morning. Daytime temperatures should range between 8 and 15 degrees Celsius.
Amnesty International has criticised the Czech Republic for hate speech and discrimination against Ukrainian refugees, continuing segregation of Roma children in education, and the export of weapons to Israel in its annual report on human rights in the country, released yesterday. Ukrainian refugees faced obstacles to integration, including language barriers in schools, the report says.
According to data from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, the difference in wages between women and men across sectors, professions and job positions in the Czech Republic is an average of 17.9%.The results of the latest analysis by the Platy.cz portal reveal an even larger gap of 28%.
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