I often hear from my friends and family that this cake or that tart were much larger and cheaper a certain amount of time ago! What is the cause for these thoughts is a complex question – maybe we grow and the cakes do not. Well, in Erhartova Cukrarna you can be sure the sizes are like in childhood days, but, honestly, I can’t guarantee the prices are.
Erhartova Cukrarna is pleasant not only because of the perfect desserts but also because of the location. The sweet shop has been located in this very spot since 1937 when the building was also built. The pure functionalist interior was very gently renovated just a few years ago and, it is truly a miracle the interior was not destroyed during the last era.
The new unobtrusive design is balanced by the rich variety of desserts. From soft little cookies to large heavy cakes for cream lovers, I believe each of you can choose the right one. Of course, you can sit inside and accompany the cake with a coffee. Here is another important message for lovers of quality – all desserts are prepared right in the sweet shop and the bakers are using high-quality, natural products like real cream. And that is rare to see these days.
Author: Irena Schlosser. You can find the original article here
Spotted by Locals Prague is a blog (and iPhone & Android app) by locals who live & love their city.
If you tried to keep track of every brand new restaurant and café in Prague, you might go a little bit crazy. So just read this list instead.
These are the new openings that seem like they have the most potential – although keep in mind, for the ones we haven’t tried, we make no promises. Go forth and be a pioneer!
A new bistro in Petřiny offers excellently prepared ramen. If you are a fan of this Japanese specialty, you should definitely head to this place because we have already heard it being praised multiple times. They are open Tuesday to Sunday.
Wildflower is a venue which combines a quality café and an awesome lounge with a cocktail bar. The place is located in Slezská street in the heart of the Vinohrady district and it is bound to impress you with their signature cocktails, premium coffee, or homemade cakes on the second floor. They also wanted to create a space where the rush of city life meets harmonious nature, where they mix signature cocktails from surprising ingredients, and where you will get so absorbed by the atmosphere that you will want to keep coming back.
A new stylish café opened its doors in June at 38 Narodní street. The café boasts elegant interior design and offers excellent coffee as well as homemade sodas.