Every Thursday evening and until the end of September, you can enjoy a unique view of Prague on the roof of the National Agricultural Museum in Letná.
The National Agriculture Museum has been recently reconstructed and restored to its 1930s look, a process that also made the roof terrace accessible.
The terrace offers unique and attractive views at Prague, including the Prague Castle, Petřín or Old Town. The garden with soft grass, a herb garden, a picnic area is great for relaxation. What is also interesting is that there are also beehives.
Aside from the smell of the herb garden, you can also rent some picnic equipment, buy some quality Czech food in the museum shop, and enjoy the amazing scenery.
Visiting the museum is an excursion into the field of agriculture, with which the people living the center of Prague really do not come across. The whole exhibition is conceived as a story that leads the visitor through the history of the hard work of farmers.
The National Museum of Agriculture was founded in 1918 but its oldest part, the museum at the Ohrada hunting lodge, started its activities in 1842. It is apparently not only the oldest specialized forestry-hunting museum in the Czech Republic but also in Europe.
The terrace is open every Thursday from 17:30 until 21:30. Adults pay CZK 50, people under 18 and seniors over 70 have free admission.
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