Airbnb Publishes Cleaning Handbook for Hosts in the Czech Republic
Airbnb’s Enhanced Cleaning Protocol and a step-by-step guide cleaning guide are now available to hosts in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. Hosts in these countries can access the Enhanced Cleaning Protocol materials in their local language through the Resource Center, including a Quick Start Guide and Cleaning Handbook with guidance on the use of personal protective equipment, how to clean every room in a home, what to sanitize, and what supplies to have on hand. In addition to cleaning guidelines, hosts need to comply with guidance from governments or health authorities in their local jurisdictions. “I learned about the introduction of the cleaning protocol from an e-mail sent directly by Airbnb. For me, not much has changed in my already established method of cleaning, with the exception of additional disinfection. My guests are provided with disinfectants and face masks. I also inform them about the current situation, eg about current obligations for wearing the masks. When the guests come to us, I will welcome everyone to say that I apologize, but that I can’t shake their hand at this time, everyone immediately smiles that they understand this and thanks to that a good atmosphere of trust is established when guests see that I...