Czech Lawmakers Pass Legislation Barring Russians from Obtaining Citizenship

The Czech Senate has passed a law that effectively bars Russian nationals from obtaining Czech citizenship.
The legislation, titled Lex Ukraine, primarily focuses on extending temporary protections for Ukrainian refugees, with provisions targeting citizenship for Russians included as amendments.
Under the new law, applications for Czech citizenship from Russian nationals will only be considered after the Russia-Ukraine war ends. The law also requires Russian citizens to renounce their Russian citizenship before becoming Czech citizens. All pending citizenship applications from Russians will be frozen.
Exceptions are made for minors, asylum seekers, and opponents of the Russian regime. However, the law does not clarify how Russians seeking citizenship must prove their status as dissidents.
The legislation also introduces criminal penalties for “unauthorized cooperation with a foreign state,” a provision critics argue could be used for political repression.
The law was supported by only 21 of the Senate’s 73 members. However, since dissenting senators did not propose amendments, the legislation is considered approved. It now awaits the president’s signature, which is expected to be a formality given his earlier comments that he is not opposed to the measure.
Human rights advocates and members of the Russian community in the Czech Republic have criticized the ban, calling it discriminatory to target the citizens of a single country.
Supporters of the amendments argue that acquiring citizenship is not a fundamental right and, therefore, the policy cannot be considered discriminatory.
Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Czech Republic has imposed some of the European Union’s strictest restrictions on Russian nationals, including a total suspension of tourist visas and new residence permits, as well as a ban on direct entry from outside the Schengen Zone.
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