Prague is set to build a floating heliport on the Vltava River, following approval by the city council.
If all goes according to plan, the heliport could be operational by next year, providing essential support for rescue operations.
It will be located on the right bank of the Vltava River close to the Rašín Embankment near the Vyšehrad Tunnel, with the project estimated to cost around CZK 52 million.
“Patients will be transferred from the heliport by ambulance to the General University Hospital, the Institute for Mother and Child Care in Podolí, or Apolinar,” said Deputy Mayor Alexandra Udženija (ODS).
Currently, none of these hospitals has a suitable landing pad. Helicopters carrying patients temporarily land at Zítkovy Sady, near Palacký Square.
Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda (ODS) emphasized the importance of the new heliport, particularly for urgent medical cases. “As a doctor, I know how crucial minutes can be in emergencies. This heliport will save those vital minutes, improving access to acute medical care in the capital,” said Svoboda, who is also a gynecologist and obstetrician.
The floating heliport will measure 20 by 20 meters and will be built on unsinkable concrete floats, designed to accommodate helicopters weighing up to 9 tonnes.
The current landing site at Zítkovy Sady is only a temporary solution. It is not only close to a metro exit but also a popular park, making it difficult for rescue teams to clear the area for helicopter landings, which can cause critical delays.
Petr Kolouch, director of the Prague Ambulance Service, praised the plan for the new heliport. “It will ensure a smoother transfer of patients from the helicopter to the ambulance and increase the safety of patients, the public, and the rescue teams,” he said.
Kolouch also pointed out that a dedicated rescue heliport on the Vltava River is far more suitable than the current setup at Zítkovy Sady.
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