Prague’s metro will operate more frequently in the evenings. The city’s public transport company has reduced intervals from 10 to 7.5 minutes.
On both weekdays and weekends, between 9 pm and 10 pm, all lines will permanently reduce their intervals to 7.5 minutes from the current ten minutes.
Changes to the evening schedule do not apply to the city bus services, which has caused some concern on social media. Users worry that they will have to wait longer for buses.
“We couldn’t shorten the bus intervals due to concerns about increasing drivers’ overtime,” said Ropid, the regional public transport organizer.
People also expressed a desire for the metro to operate longer hours. Currently, the last two metro services, available before the COVID-19 pandemic, no longer run.
Máme pro vás dobrou zprávu z metra: od soboty 1. června budou trvale zkráceny intervaly na všech linkách ve všední dny i o víkendu cca mezi 21. a 22. hodinou. V tomto období budou soupravy metra jezdit každých 7,5 minuty namísto dnešního desetiminutového intervalu.
— PID (@PIDoficialni) May 30, 2024
The Prague Metro was founded in 1974, consists of three lines (A, B and C) serving 61 stations, and is 65.2 kilometres. The system served 568 million passengers in 2021 (about 1.55 million daily).
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