On January 19, 2025, supporters of Ukraine commemorated the Day of Unity (Den’ Sobornosti) by forming a human chain around a large Ukrainian flag on Charles Bridge.
The event was attended by Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Zvarych, who emphasized the significance of unity among Ukrainians worldwide.
Participants, many donning yellow and blue attire, gathered to express solidarity with Ukraine amidst the ongoing conflict.
The human chain symbolized the connection between Ukrainians and their supporters, highlighting the importance of unity during challenging times.
This event in Prague mirrors similar demonstrations globally, where Ukrainian communities and their allies come together to honor Ukraine’s sovereignty and promote peace.
Dnes na Karlově mostě v Praze jsme vytvořili živý řetěz jednoty kolem ukrajinské vlajky! Děkuji všem, kdo byli s námi na této důležité akci. V jednotě je naše síla! V jednotě bude naše vítězství nad ruskou tyranií. #StandWithUkraine #UnitedForUkraine #StopRussianAggression 🇺🇦🤝🇨🇿 pic.twitter.com/2iwWLy00Qg
— Vasyl Zvarych (@Vasyl_Zvarych) January 19, 2025
The Ukrainian Unity Day celebrates the anniversary of the unification of eastern and western Ukraine in 1919.
Historically, up until 1919, these parts of Ukraine – the Ukraine’s People Republic and West Ukrainian People’s Republic – belonged to different empires.
On January 22, 1919, the Treaty of Unity was signed in Kyiv, fulfilling the dreams of the national movement and creating a unified Ukrainian state.
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