After an unusually warm October, November brings a sudden drop in temperature, marking the start of winter.
Temperatures are expected to plummet to minus four degrees on Wednesday, with ice warnings issued in certain areas. Daytime temperatures ranging between three and minus one degrees are anticipated.
Winter is set to make its presence felt from Friday onwards. On Saturday, the Czech National Weather Service predicts snowfall, especially in the mountains.
Nevertheless, snow may grace Prague by the weekend. According to, temperatures could reach as low as minus three degrees, with a 70 percent chance of snow showers.
#pocasi Přijde od pátku zima??
🙏V tuto chvíli to vypadá pro milovníky zimy velmi slibně! A co víc, zimní teploty by měly vydržet od pátku minimálně do začátku příštího týdne. Na tomto scénáři se aktuálně shodují oba střednědobé modely, GFS a ECMWF a to s poměrně slušnou…
— Český hydrometeorologický ústav (ČHMÚ) (@CHMUCHMI) November 20, 2023
Unfortunately, the joy of snow may be short-lived, as the snow cover is not projected to exceed two centimeters. Additionally, the snow is expected to mix with rain, resulting in potentially muddy streets.
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