Aug 30, 2023

Prague is Again Fighting the Presence of Advertising Rickshaws in the City Center

Stationed in front of Thai massage establishments, rickshaws are causing complications for both Prague’s residents and its visitors.

Their positioning violates city regulations and mars the aesthetic appeal of the area.

City officials, along with representatives from the Municipal Police, have recently reached a consensus on this matter. They are now seeking a lawful solution for their removal and intend to pursue a modification in legislation.

On Monday, August 28, Prague Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda and Councillor for property, legislation and transparency Adam Zábranský convened with the Municipal Police representatives.

Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda remarked, “The presence of rickshaws on the sidewalks is not only a stain on Prague’s reputation but also a disruption to everyday pedestrian traffic. They essentially function as nothing more than oversized advertising banners. I am optimistic that a solution is on the horizon.”

Councillor Adam Zábranský affirmed, “We have exhausted all available measures to eradicate the rickshaws from the city center. We have attempted various strategies.”

“One of the city’s long-unsolved and problematic issues is illegally placed advertising, including various objects from entrepreneurs who are trying to make their establishments more attractive. An example is the infamous rickshaws on Wenceslas Square and Old Town Square, as well as Celetná and Karlova streets,” City Councilor Jan Chabr, responsible for property management, said. “Their removal was very complicated from the point of view of the city and almost impossible from the point of view of misdemeanor law,” Chabr added.

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“Red-green rickshaws are a mockery of all Praguers. They could stand in the streets for so long only because of the leaky legislation, which makes it very difficult for Prague to make the historic core a dignified and friendly place again, not a tourist Disneyland,” said City Councilor Hana Třeštíková.

Specifically, the rickshaws should disappear from in front of the buildings at the addresses Václavské náměstí 18, Celetná 9, Staroměstské náměstí 16 and Karlova 14.

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